Manchester Futsal Camp 2018
At the end of July at Powerleague, Trafford, Futsal Camp UK is coming to Manchester for an elite futsal camp, aimed at school leavers who will join teenagers from abroad in a three-day training camp and tournament.
Running over three days – Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Friday 19th July – the Manchester Futsal Camp will give players an intense week and elite match experience under the tutelage of professional futsal coach, Damon Shaw.
At just £25 for the three days plus a tournament, it’s a fantastic opportunity for 15-18 year olds who have finished school and fancy trying out this fast growing sport.
Limited places
To register, simply complete your details below, selecting the correct camp, but places are on a first come first served basis, with 15 spaces available.
“Futsal is growing, especially in Manchester and the North West and we have a group of youngsters here for the week from Spain and other countries. This elite camp will be different to a regular summer camp, in that it will be morning only sessions, with a tournament at the weekend for those who excel,” said UEFA A coach, Damon Shaw.
“If it’s a player’s first go at futsal, there will be signposts to local clubs, or for any who have played before, an extra bit of pre-season training.”